Next DTS Starts In









Discipleship Training School at YWAM Goa, offers you this opportunity. Our new training venue is 2 kms away from the seashore in a live-learn setting

The DTS will have a Lecture Phase and an Outreach Phase. The Lecture Phase provides classroom learning, community-bonding, and heart change.

It’s a chance for the students to have their perspectives altered and their view of God deepened.


Common Questions
Where is Goa?

Goa, a state of India is located on the western coast of India. The state of Goa is bounded by the state of Maharashtra to its north and East. To the south lies the state of Karnataka, while to its west lies the arabian sea

Who Can apply?

Appliacants must be 18 years old or old enough to have completed secondary school or high school. There is no age limit for participation.

We will need as well to receive a recommendation letter from your church and family in order to process your application.

What happens during Lecture Phase?

The Lecture Phase will include

Practical Work: an opportunity for students to serve one another, a key part of character development.

Small Groups and One-on-One: To help students process what they are learning about God. One-on-ones are held with a DTS staff member, someone who is with the student throughout the entire lecture phase. It is their goal to help the student grow through mentorship and counsel.

Local Ministry/Outreach Personal transformation leads to the transformation of community. Students will have a chance to make a difference in the surrounding society through ministry, whether it’s teaching the gospel, working on a community project, or praying for the town or city.

Some of the topics we will study together are:

  • Nature and character of God
  • Fear of God
  • Hearing God’s voice
  • Divine plumbline
  • Authority and Submission 
  • Sin and repentance
  • Identity and Godly relationships
  • Christlikeness and giving uprights
  • Biblical worldview
  • Spiritual warfare

Each topic will be a week long module wherein students will not only learn from the lectures, but also from practical training.

What happens during Outreach Phase?

The DTS Outreach Phase is a chance to apply the principles learned during the lectures. The new perspectives gained is put into action by sharing God’s truth in different places all around the world.
The goal is to share the love of God which they have experienced in their own life.

Is outreach required?

Yes, successful completion of the outreach phase of your school is REQUIRED for all DTS’s and most second-level schools.

What About School Costs?

All applicants must pay a registration non-refundable admin fee of  ₹ 1.000 (INR) in order to process your application.

Cost for housing and food during the Lecture Phase is:

₹ 20.000 (INR) –  For Indian Nationals

Cost for housing and food during the Outreach phase is:

₹ 15.000 (INR) – For Indian Nationals

What does the schedule look like ?

Each day you will have activities such as morning exercises, family chores, lectures, work duties, (general duties around the base) and evening activities.

There are also weekly corporate events such as the base worship, and Thursday Night Meetings you will participate in.

Your weekends may have some school activities but will generally be free for you to explore the city and have some study time

Contact Us
Do you need more information about us, Goa or ministry opportunities in this part of the world?

No worries! Send us a Message!

Use the provided form selecting the type of information you are looking for, and we will be happy to come back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot for your interest!

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