Next DTS Starts In








Discipleship Training School

Anyone who is thirsty,
come to me and drink

A Discipleship Training School is six months of personally experiencing God and living the adventure of taking His message to the nations. Come to Goa and learn to Apply the truth of God to life and be further equipped to fulfil your purpose.

Starting on July 15th, 2024

Ministry Opportunities

Discipleship School

DTS equips you to carry a missional mindset and bring the Gospel to various nations, peoples, tribes, and languages – not just during the program, but also on into the rest of your life.


YWAM GOA offers opportunity to serve in the area of Education for young people, as well in projects for adult education.

Biblical Studies

The YWAM School of Biblical Studies is a nine-month program in which participants using the inductive method, will have the opportunity to study all 66 books of the Bible.

Support Groups

Goa is a holiday destination for many nations. Come and join us ministering to truth seekers in our beatiful shores.


The GENESIS School is a 03 months school that will equip you with principles and tools in Leadership & Pioneering, Communication, Education and Applied Information Technology.


Goa is a fantastic destination offering diverse ministry opportunities for teams from all over the world.

Be Equipped

School of Biblical Studies

The School of Biblical Studies is an exciting journey through all the 66 books of the Bible. In nine months you gain an overview of the content of the whole Bible. You get a deeper insight into who God is and what his plan for mankind entails.

Next School Starts in 2024!

Next SBS starts In









India’s is a immense source of diversity and multicultural beauty. Goa was a Portuguese colony until 1961 and until today, traces of that era can be easily identified in the street names, architecture and culture mixed with the flavors and scents of a millennial civilization.

Come and join us!


YWAM Goa is committed to serve the people of Goa inspiring transformational leadership & equiping young people for volunteer services in life affirming projects.

Change the world !

Common Questions
Where is Goa?

Goa, a state of India is located on the western coast of India. The state of Goa is bounded by the state of Maharashtra to its north and East. To the south lies the state of Karnataka, while to its west lies the arabian sea

Can I come as a Volunteer?

If you are led by God to partner and serve  with us , feel free to drop in an email or call us .

Contact Us
Do you need more information about us, Goa or ministry opportunities in this part of the world?

No worries! Send us a Message!

Use the provided form selecting the type of information you are looking for, and we will be happy to come back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot for your interest!

Contact Form

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